The gray side of mental health: Part 1


Often, when people discuss mental health, they delve into its effects, signs, manifestations, and solutions to get better. However, what's seldom addressed is the fact that healing from a mental health crisis or a prolonged period of emotional struggle is a lengthy journey. Just like any other form of recovery, it requires time and patience.

This aspect is frequently overlooked because, unlike physical ailments, the remedy for mental health challenges hinges on maintaining hope. Without hope, the path to healing can seem overwhelming. Nevertheless, it's crucial to acknowledge the current reality of one's mental state. Recognizing the gravity of the situation serves as a stark reminder that without proactive steps, the consequences can be dire.

While individuals may have diverse coping mechanisms, a guiding hand can play a pivotal role in nudging them toward clarity and self-control. Once a person regains control, the process of healing becomes more manageable and swift. Ultimately, understanding the exhausting yet hopeful nature of the journey is important in the area of mental health.


  • BKiwu
    BKiwu ✭✭✭✭✭

    Its true mental health healing may seem unending especially when it has lasted for a while. Sometimes one may start to doubt whether its even worth trying the healing process. But thanks to technology, one can walk the journey without feeling overwhelmed or at least have a means/tool to ask for help. There are apps that act as journals where one can express themselves and clear their minds. There also AI tools for counselling or apps that connect you to reach out to counsellors when need be.
