Leaderboard - a new interactive community feature highlighting the most helpful and active members

отредактировано 21. июн 2023, 14:41 Раздел: Editorial posts

Dear community, 

We are excited to share a new feature within the community: the leaderboard. Located on the right-hand side of the homepage and the discussion page, it is an interactive view of the most active users in the community. It aims to highlight the ones who are helping the most by answering questions with qualitative comments and sharing their experiences. The leaderboard showcases the user nicknames and a cumulative amount of points calculated on a monthly basis via a default formula. 

You can earn points in several ways, including:

  • positive reactions to your posts (e.g., “insightful” reaction and “like” reaction) 

[Thanks to user feedback in the community, we have now switched on the insightful reaction (icon of lightbulb) as a second positive reaction]

  • answering other members' questions
  • having your answers accepted (when the author of a question clicks on “Yes, this answers the question”)
  • receiving badges 
  • moderators promoting your posts/answers based on their consideration of a high-quality answer helping the community

Points can also be deducted from the cumulative point number when your posts are marked by negative reactions, e.g., when they are considered “spam” or are reported with the “abuse” reaction that they go against the community guidelines.

The sum of the positive and negative points determines the total number of points. The number continuously adapts on the leaderboard within the month and is set again to 0 at the beginning of the next month. 

At the beginning of each month, our moderator’s team will highlight the most helpful user in the community as a way to thank your engagement, helpful answers, and contribution to a safe and inclusive self-help community.

We are looking forward to testing this new feature with all of you and are looking forward to your input after a few weeks!

Your EnableMe moderator’s team

