Assistive devices for persons with Neurological Conditions in Kenya,


What are assistive devices? Assistive devices and services are any product or service designed to enable independence for PWDs. The common examples of such devices are;

Wheelchairs, crutches, hearing aids, callipers, surgical boots and prosthetic arms or legs. 

Though these are most common to people with physical disabilities and they are popular because it's a seen disability rather than invisible disabilities,

The invisible disability community such as the Neurodiverse community have completely different devices. 

The Assistive devices for neurodivergent are a bit different, the devices help and are crucial for communication skills and are designed to enable independence for a neurodivergent.

The Assistive devices are as named below;

. Visual boards.

. Picture exchange communication system (PECS)

. Sign Language

. Gestures

. Low technology interventions

. High-technology electronic devices

The most common assistive device used in special schools and homes is (PECS)/ Picture exchange communication system. 

The Picture Exchange Communication System or PECS approach is a modified applied behaviour analysis program designed for early nonverbal symbolic communication training.

It aims to improve the communication skills of people on the autism spectrum and promotes the ability to initiate communication. Studies have shown PECS to aid in verbal development, which could improve verbal behaviour. 

Visual boards too are very popular, such as the "first" board is a visual support that provides information to a child about task expectations and what will follow. The "first" section involves a task that the child must complete (for example: get dressed). The "then" section should always be an item, task, or activity that is preferred by your child (for example, watching tv). Using a visual to represent the task may help them to understand and complete a less-preferred activity, while the visual of the preferred item or activity may motivate your child to complete the task.  

Sign language also does work, for some who are nonverbal and are able to understand gestures, 

However, not all devices are accessible like High technology electronic devices that require software applications in devices such as tablets and smartphones. The applications have added features introduced like sound when a picture is selected.

The high technology electronic devices are limited and very expensive, therefore making it very costly for an ordinary citizen in Kenya.

As a community, we still struggle to get access to such resources that are very beneficial for our community and for our own development. 

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