Do you feel like there are programs that can eventually guarantee you job opportunities as PWD?


There are a number of programs that are beneficial to a PWD in terms of job preparation. where learners are taken through several types of skills that link with their talents. even though it's not necessarily linked to their talents the tasks are designed according to systemic approaches that they are used to, for example, routine tasks that can be followed on a regular basis. An autistic adult can make a really good waitress in a restaurant because of the repetitive nature of the job, taking orders from customers and taking them back to the kitchen for the chef to start preparation of the meal and then back to the customer. Once the individual is used to that systemic routine that individual becomes better and earns tips from the customers. Personally, that's what I learnt working at a restaurant run by Neurodiverse people and I was able to earn a monthly salary.

We have platforms too where we are able to connect with others that are in the same community, understanding the world of today we have but a few support groups or organizations led by neurodiverse individuals. We rely on technology to communicate and network with many PWD communities. Worldwide Auties is a group that was started by a gentleman I know from the UK, he came up with the idea that we have but a few support groups in our society. Why not connect with autistics from around the world? He started looking for autistic people on Facebook through a group, that any person can join provided that they are within the spectrum. In the group, there is a link to a WhatsApp group that has been active for over four years since I started advocating. The Whatsapp group has over 289 participants, that's not the only group. The admin decided to split other groups of people according to the continent they are based in. I am an admin of the African Autistics WhatsApp group which has a few individuals 26 is our number.

Our groups are support groups that allow us to be ourselves, we talk about anything and everything. Every Christmas we take it old-school and we send each other presents or postcards to each other.

Spreading Love is our Motto and we feel we do belong.

Where do you feel you belong?

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  • BKiwu
    BKiwu ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks @SarahBosibori for the post..Now I understand the productivity strength of those with autism. I think the best approach to this issue would be to work with recruitment agencies where they are educated on the various strengths a disability may cause one to have and how it can be beneficial to the bottomline of the organisation. Once the recruitment agency is made aware of what they are missing, in terms of the business value of inclusion, then these capacity building programmes for persons with disabilities will have a market to address and those who go through these programmes will be guaranteed of a lifetime livelihood opportunity. Its a question of supply vs demand..

    Am thinking, what if you utilise your group for knowledge transfer and linkages to remote working? Like online working opportunities for neuro diverse persons. Am sure in developed economies they must have cracked the code on how to tap into the often unseen strengths of those that are neuro diverse. You can pitch the idea to your group mates to see how it goes.
