Readiness of Job opportunities for people with Neurotypical conditions


Our marginalized community is almost nonexistent, Though there are a number of soft skills training programs that are introduced to us by various NGOs such as UDPK, I have personally enrolled in one and I believe it has benefited me in many ways. Mainly they are meant to help you in advocating for one's self. You are included in activities such as problem-solving exercises which later on contribute to personal projects you may have. Ordinarily, vocational training really does help some of us in the neurodiverse community since we can be talent oriented and can make really great suppliers for gift shops. We are creatives and because of our creativity, we can make excellent arts and crafts that can be used as furniture and more. We lack the support that can link us to various networks because of underestimation and stigma which takes us three steps behind and since we are marginalized we are hanging on a thread, almost close to extinction.

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  • Wilie
    Wilie ✭✭✭
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    @SarahBosibori are the jobs available first, if they are there am sure we can be able to figure out how to link them. If they are not there, how do we incorporate the current to suit everyone.

