Speaking but not heard, understood but not taken into consideration

SarahBosibori ✭✭✭
отредактировано 9. окт 2022, 02:21 Раздел: Intellectual Disabilities

Do you ever feel angry over something that you know is your truth? listened to like a song that's sweet to your ears but appreciation isn't there. Constantly seeking validation in a world that thinks low of you? Don't get me wrong, there are a number of positive and amazing groups of people that see you beyond the struggles you face, beyond your difference in this Neurotypical world. It is said that 0.9 million Kenyans live with a certain type of disability according to the Status report on Disability Inclusion in Kenya, yet we see very few actions taken to that account. We still face a couple of challenges, support is given only when it's convenient. If we don't educate our community on ways to make our community better we suffer. The lack of taking initiative can even cause death, a child gets neglected and is found dead, taken to a morgue only to stay there for him/her to be laid to rest by not the family but good samaritans. There's mental abuse too, where you simply are taken for as just a human on earth. We all are different, we all can't speak but we have others who can speak for us. Without that voice, many remain in silence and in misery.

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  • BKiwu
    BKiwu ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I fully understand what you mean. By feeling alone, we feel like burdens to the society yet we are much better than that. We are valuable and important, even if its to a few of our friends and relatives. What makes it better is that there is always a community somewhere around us, where we can express ourselves or just find a space to do what we love. For myself, I derive purpose in writing and that's why am at home when am on this platform because I can express myself on lived experience of disability. For @MikkiTarz his comfort zone is poetry and music. The best way to go about the challenge of feeling unwanted is to find something you love, do it to your level best and use it to express yourself and express the wishes of those who cannot express themselves. That's the whole essence of empathy.

  • MikkiTarz
    MikkiTarz ✭✭✭✭
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    And as a poet, its not about how many people you've touched but how many people you've been able to save through your words. In my life, I've always felt I've given too much to the society and it doesn't notice, but I still keep on giving cause it makes me feel good about myself and that there is something.
