How common is sleep problems in children with Autism?


A good night’s rest isn’t guaranteed for anyone, but it is downright elusive for many people with autism. It takes them an average of 11 minutes longer than typical people to fall asleep, and many wake up frequently during the night. Some people with the condition have sleep apnea, a condition that causes them to stop breathing several times during the night.

Sleep in people with autism may also be less restorative than it is for people in the general population. They spend about 15 percent of their sleeping time in the rapid eye movement(REM) stage, which is critical for learning and retaining memories. Most neurotypical people, by contrast, spend about 23 percent of their nightly rest in REM.

Тэги темы:


  • SarahBosibori

    Very true, Same applies to Autistic adults especially some of us who go through anxiety. Diet plays a vital role in the way we are supposed to sleep at night, some of us take medication or organic vitamins that can improve our living. Not all of us experience the same challenge but show similar or mild symptoms of insomnia and the like. When I experience anxiety episodes that's when insomnia sets in or sleep paralysis.

  • verogakio

    Does this lack of good sleep have consequences?

    There is mounting evidence that too little sleep can exacerbate autism features, such as poor social skills. Children who do not get enough sleep often have more severe repetitive behaviors and a tougher time making friends than other people on the spectrum. They also tend to score lower on tests of intelligence. However, it is unclear whether these problems stem from poor sleep, contribute to it or both. One 2009 study found that children with autism who have sleep difficulties are more hyperactive and easily distracted than those who sleep well.

  • Renuka

    Sometimes it's true

  • BKiwu
    BKiwu ✭✭✭✭✭

    This is quite informative @verogakio and @SarahBosibori. Keep educating us on this.

  • Anyika


    Research also shows there is a connection between lack of sleep in children with autism and characteristics such as:Aggression, depression, hyperactivity, a rise in behavioral problems, irritability and poor learning and cognitive performance.

    And it is obvious that if your child is not sleeping so do you as a parent. Since sleep is a problem to children with autism, parents with children with autism tend to sleep less, have poor sleep quality and partners and these can lead to these parents being less productive in other duties compared to parents with children without autism.

    So definitely Autism Spectrum Disorders are common.

  • verogakio

    I agree with you 💯 am lucky because for me sleeping 3 hours is more than enough for me so when my daughter decides to not sleep it does not affect me too much.
