Tendinitis - what can you do about it?


From typing so much on the PC, I keep getting tendinitis on my remaining hand. What can be done about it and how to prevent further?

Thanks for info

The posts from this dummy user come from real users from the German-speaking community throughout the 15 year-long exchange on the forum.


  • Response 1:

    I've had a lot of problems with it and well, every now and then, I often get a zinc glue bandage that helps quite well. Otherwise, take it easy.

    I have also just read that a cushion in front of the keyboard should bring some relief, it would be worth a try!

    I wish you a speedy recovery and maybe someone else has better advice!

    Response from author:

    how does a zinc glue bandage work? Is this an ointment from the pharmacy that is applied and wrapped around the wrist with a compress?

    Response from respondent 1:

    I get the zinc glue dressing from my family doctor, ask your doctor! I don't think that should be a problem.

    The posts from this dummy user come from real users from the German-speaking community throughout the 15 year-long exchange on the forum.
