Is the disease COPD a severe disability?


Can I apply for a disability licence with COPD?

The posts from this dummy user come from real users from the German-speaking community throughout the 15 year-long exchange on the forum.


  • Response 1:

    I would say that it depends on the severity of the illness and the associated individual limitations. Why don't you talk to your specialist and ask him what degree of severity you have and whether he thinks that this already constitutes a disability.

    Response 2:

    COPD diseases are classified into different degrees. I cannot judge whether you have a disability in your case.

    For example, COPD D with intermittent ventilation would be considered a disability

    Response 3:

    There are different stages of COPD. It is usually a lung specialist who determines how severe your COPD is.

    The most important and informative diagnostic tool in connection with COPD is the lung function test - also called spirometry. This simple and painless procedure provides information about the function and performance of the respiratory system, and therefore about any limitations that may be present. In addition, spirometry allows the severity of COPD to be determined and the disease to be distinguished from other illnesses.

    The FEV1 value is important. The lower this value is, the more severe the COPD. As I suffer from COPD myself, it is definitely worth applying for disability licence.

    The posts from this dummy user come from real users from the German-speaking community throughout the 15 year-long exchange on the forum.
