How long is sick leave for burnout usually?


Good day!

I am interested in the length of time one is on sick leave for burnout. As some of you here may know, my brother has been in therapy since July. His employer is pushing him to go back to work, saying he's been off long enough. He feels torn. What would you advise him to do?

The posts from this dummy user come from real users from the German-speaking community throughout the 15 year-long exchange on the forum.


  • Valuable_Discussions_EnableMe
    отредактировано 27. окт 2021, 09:23

    Response 1:

    Your brother is in therapy and has to talk to his doctor/therapist about whether he can work again but this is decided by the therapist/doctor. The employer's reaction is unfortunate but he cannot be dismissed (I think) and health is the most important thing!

    Response 2:

    I can only agree with the first part of the previous answer. It is clearly a matter for the doctor. But regarding the second part, I would advise you not to make such false reports. Because it can and may be terminated during the illness and that is if:

    1. if there is a negative health prognosis

    2. if the absenteeism leads to a considerable impairment of the business or economic interests of the employer's interests

    3. a balancing of interests must be carried out and this must be in favor of the employer

    All three things must be present, then the employer may give notice of dismissal.

    Response 3:

    Hello! Burnout can last weeks, months or even years. Is your brother in inpatient or outpatient therapy?

    A good friend of mine spent almost a whole year in inpatient therapy (for burnout). She now gets a disability pension and does a job on the side because her pension is not enough. However, she is no longer able to work full-time. At first she tried to return to her old job on an hourly basis (it had a certain name, but I don't remember it...).

    You can never predict how long a burnout will " last" and when the illness will break out (again); to estimate the duration of the sick leave is therefore also not possible, that is up to the discretion of the treating doctors.

    Many greetings and a speedy recovery for your brother

    Response 4:

    There have already been some good answers here. Indeed, the duration of a sick leave is very individual and is the responsibility of the treating doctor. Your brother must therefore discuss his professional situation and a possible return to work with his doctor.

    All the best!

    Response 5:

    Hello everyone

    Burn-out syndrome is a mental or physical illness. Mental illnesses sometimes last a long time, sometimes permanently, or at least for several years. Since several celebrities have come out of the closet in the last few years, this illness is slowly but surely becoming more important to the public.

    If you are still working, you are first put on sick leave, in extreme cases for up to 18 months. During this time, various measures are taken, such as inpatient medical rehabilitation, in an attempt to restore or at least improve your state of health. Once the sickness benefit has expired, a decision must be made as to whether vocational rehabilitation is an option. It is also determined whether the person is still fit for work. If you are partially or fully incapacitated, you will receive a reduced earning capacity pension.

    The posts from this dummy user come from real users from the German-speaking community throughout the 15 year-long exchange on the forum.
