Thinking about the future
Good morning, I found this site while surfing, and it comes at a perfect time.
My son is 19 years old at the moment, he has a cognitive disability due to an epilepsy surgery, he has finished his school in Zug and now he is in apprenticeship in Zuwebe. He is about to finish that process this year. My question is about the future, I would like him to have other opportunities to pursue and develop his potential. I have not found any universities that could be useful for him, I was thinking about doing an exchange to improve his German (we are originally from Latin America), etc
In general I think it would be important to know where to look for other things that he can do for his future, although we are very happy with what he has at the moment in Zuwebe, I am afraid that his only next step will be to work without being able to continue developing his skills.
Thanks a lot
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