Webshopbetreuung und Pflege auf Englisch! Homejob
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Für unsere eben gegründete internationale Umsetzung suchen wir noch 1 oder 2 Jugendliche bzw. "Jung gebliebene" welche (neben her und von Zuhause aus) den Webauftritt pflegen können/möchten. Wichtig sind sehr gute Englischkenntnisse!
Wie in den Bildern ersichtlich, bieten wir kostenlose Workshops und Lizenzrechte in Ländern an, in welchen Jugendliche wenig Arbeitsperspektive haben.
Erstes Land: Syrien. Hier haben wir einen bekannten Redakteur, welcher dies eben im Lande publik macht und wir dann nur mehr das Zubehör handeln. Ist also auch für eine GUTE SACHE!
Textauszug unserer Arbeit:
I. Creating Jobs in Crisis Regions
...I offer to allocate FREE LICENSES for Africa and other economically weaker regions.
Production is handicraft in and for your country.
All it takes is good handicraft. One person can produce up to 500 ovens a year. This is not a lot for one country. Especially when it is destroyed like for example Syria.
Therefore, many “normal people” can do this fulfilling home-based work on-site. All that is needed are good building instructions, some technical equipment, quartz sand and tiles.
Instructions for different heater models were only available in German and “on-site“ in Germany - until now.
But now we also have them in English and on a CD for you to use at home.
This will offer perspective and provide work for some people in their own home countries… fulfilling work!
Because almost EVERYONE needs to heat, and this low amount of electricity can be afforded almost anywhere. Especially when this electricity is partially produced through solar energy.
This is the future of sunny countries, their enormous wealth in solar energy!
Solution for a better world
II. Humans need three things: food, drink and warmth. The latter is our passion.
Our involvement/ youth initiative began when its call for tender was announced. Today our contribution is complete, unique and will make Thuringia known worldwide! Furthermore, it will make our world a little better. Moreover, it will create job opportunities right here as these are desperately needed. Many of us now have to commute long ways to find employment. This is simply a fact in the economically weak area of the former inner German border.
III. Summary:
Let us help the older generation by continuing to carry their knowledge and successes on!
Let us help unemployed youth in other nations by showing them what is doable!
Let us help ourselves by creating jobs that didn´t exist before!
Let us help Mother Nature by not creating more disposable commodities!
Will anyone help us make this public?
Alles verstanden? Da eben erst Umsetzung begonnen, wenig Anfrage, kein Stress, ABER sehr wichtige und erfüllende Arbeit! Verdienst nach Zeitaufwand und Umsatzbeteiligung. Weiteres in persönlichem Gespräch!
Wie in den Bildern ersichtlich, bieten wir kostenlose Workshops und Lizenzrechte in Ländern an, in welchen Jugendliche wenig Arbeitsperspektive haben.
Erstes Land: Syrien. Hier haben wir einen bekannten Redakteur, welcher dies eben im Lande publik macht und wir dann nur mehr das Zubehör handeln. Ist also auch für eine GUTE SACHE!
Textauszug unserer Arbeit:
I. Creating Jobs in Crisis Regions
...I offer to allocate FREE LICENSES for Africa and other economically weaker regions.
Production is handicraft in and for your country.
All it takes is good handicraft. One person can produce up to 500 ovens a year. This is not a lot for one country. Especially when it is destroyed like for example Syria.
Therefore, many “normal people” can do this fulfilling home-based work on-site. All that is needed are good building instructions, some technical equipment, quartz sand and tiles.
Instructions for different heater models were only available in German and “on-site“ in Germany - until now.
But now we also have them in English and on a CD for you to use at home.
This will offer perspective and provide work for some people in their own home countries… fulfilling work!
Because almost EVERYONE needs to heat, and this low amount of electricity can be afforded almost anywhere. Especially when this electricity is partially produced through solar energy.
This is the future of sunny countries, their enormous wealth in solar energy!
Solution for a better world
II. Humans need three things: food, drink and warmth. The latter is our passion.
Our involvement/ youth initiative began when its call for tender was announced. Today our contribution is complete, unique and will make Thuringia known worldwide! Furthermore, it will make our world a little better. Moreover, it will create job opportunities right here as these are desperately needed. Many of us now have to commute long ways to find employment. This is simply a fact in the economically weak area of the former inner German border.
III. Summary:
Let us help the older generation by continuing to carry their knowledge and successes on!
Let us help unemployed youth in other nations by showing them what is doable!
Let us help ourselves by creating jobs that didn´t exist before!
Let us help Mother Nature by not creating more disposable commodities!
Will anyone help us make this public?
Alles verstanden? Da eben erst Umsetzung begonnen, wenig Anfrage, kein Stress, ABER sehr wichtige und erfüllende Arbeit! Verdienst nach Zeitaufwand und Umsatzbeteiligung. Weiteres in persönlichem Gespräch!
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