Do you offer scholarship to people with chronic illnesses?
MyHandicap User
Hi, My name is Amirhossein Shahzeidi, I'm Iranian and I'm currently a student at Tbilisi state conservatory in Tbilisi, Georgia. I'm planning to study bachelor of philosophy at Hochschule für Philosophie in Munich from September 2017. I found a link to your website on the DAAD website. I'm planning to study two major (one philosophy other historical musicology) at the same time, but unfortunately I suffer from chronic migraine, and my financial situation isn't really looking well, so I either have to work which with my situation and my headaches would be very difficult or I should get a scholarship, so I wanted to see if you have any especial scholarship for people who are dealing with chronic illnesses. Or if you know any institutions who might give me a scholarship.
And also what other means of support can you offer?
And also what other means of support can you offer?
Hello Amirsh95,
welcome to our community. We're glad you found our website.
Unfortunately we do not provide any financial support. Our service is to provide information.
One very good source for information relevant to students is the IBS of the Studentenwerk. You can find further information (in German) about it on our website:
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