Kindly inform about the scholar ship programmes for the international handicapped students
MyHandicap User
Are there any scholar ship programmes for a blind student from India applying for PHD.
funding a PhD in Germany works in many different ways - scholarships are only of them. Some of the opportunities are specific to universities or disciplines. I would therefore advise to inquire with the university where you intend to do the PhD - they usually have an office that is responsible for foreign students specifically.
Fully paid scholarships specifically for handicapped students are rare to my knowledge and this probably applies event more to foreign students (however, you are of course free to apply for any general scholarship opportunites, e.g. through the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD).
Moreover, I don#t know whether they might be some sources of funding in India, but I am afraid this not an answer anyone in this forum is likely to be able to answer.
Best and good luck,
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Hello Satya123,
do you already have a specific university in mind? Or what is the reason for searching especially in Germany?
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