Kann mein Arbeitgeber mich dazu zwingen, im Urlaub zu arbeiten?
i am Filipina living here in Germany, im handicap RF60, im working, (HARKE) Zeitungsverteiler am Sonntag, Dec.25 is Sonntag my contract says i only work on Sonntag but they want me to work on Dec.24 Samtag also on Dec.31 Samtag for Jan.1 Sonntag, i would like to stay home and be with my family on that day i have 2 kinder, (5 und 4 years old). they are forcing me to work, can they force me to work on Dec. 24 und Dec.31?
Please ask in German the question. Or use better english.
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i am Filipina living here in Germany, i am working by(DIE HARKE) news paper distributor for Sunday, Dec.25 (Christmas) is Sunday and they want me to work on Dec.24 Saturday, for the Sunday's news paper (Dec.25) also on Dec.31 Saturday for (Jan.1 news paper ) . can they force me to work on Dec. 24 und Dec.31 which is Saturday while my contract i sign says i only work on Sunday? which is December .25 and January.1 is Holiday.
i have handicap Card RF 60 .
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Hi Filipina,
first of all welcome to our community. So nice you found MyHandicap! 😀
Well, on the first sight it seems quite plausible to twitch work to another day when it is a holiday so you don't have to work that day. But as I am no lawyer I'm not absolutely sure about it. I'll forward your request to one of our experts. Please have a little patience.
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i have another problem again with my employer, im in vacation from Nov. 27- Dec.18. they grant my vacation but today they sent the news paper to our house for me to deliver but im in vacation, how can they do that? i did not distribute the news paper today since im in vacation, did i do the right thing or i really need to do it even if im in vacation?
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Hello Tingkoyam,
did you get a written grant for your vacation? Maybe there is a misunderstanding or they simply forgot about it.
Did you contact your employer already to sort things out?
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Hello Justin,
Yes they grant my vacation, and i have a letter from them about my vacation, we contacted them already about the Zeitung they deliver maybe by mistake, to take it back from our house.
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Sehr geehrtes Forenmitglied,
Ihre Frage ist sehr nachvollziehbar und verständlich aber leider ebenso schwer zu beantworte. Es kommt auf die Vereinbarungen in Ihrem Arbeitsvertrag an. Grundsätzlich kann bei einem entsprechend offen formulierten Arbeitsvertrag der Arbeitgeber sein Direktionsrecht ausüben und auch bei betrieblichen Bedarf und oder Notwendigkeit - auch Ausnahmen anordnen. Es bedarf aber immer auch einer Berücksichtigung Ihrer Lage und Ihrer Interessen. Ohne Kenntnis von dem Inhalt Ihres Arbeitsvertrages lässt sich daher die Frage so nicht beantworten.
Ich rate dazu, dass sie im Rahmen einer Erstberatung einen Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht in Ihrer Nähe aufsuchen und mit diesem anhand ihres Vertrages und der konkreten Anweisung das weitere Vorgehen erörtern.
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Hello Tingkoyam,
if you need help with a translation of our experts reply, please feel free to contact me 😉
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