Rollstuhlgerechte Wohnung ab Januar 2017
I have been looking for wheel chair accessible apartment for a few months now. It has been so challenging to find one in Munich. Is there anyone who can help. Any recommendations for immobilien companies who might have the offers?
I will be very grateful for any positive feedback. Thanks!!!
I have been looking for wheel chair accessible apartment for a few months now. It has been so challenging to find one in Munich. Is there anyone who can help. Any recommendations for immobilien companies who might have the offers?
I will be very grateful for any positive feedback. Thanks!!!
well, this topic comes up now and then, and it seems to be a challenge for everyone who is looking for such a place, in particular in places like Munich where there is severe housing shortage anyway (I am NOT writing from personal experience here)..
Have you tried here:
Otherweise, there is also a system by which "Sozialwohnungen" are allocated in Munich: - you could inquire there whether there are any wheelchari accessible apartments among these (in case you are eligible for this type of housing)
Here is an older thread (in German) about the same topic, maybe with some useful ideas:
Best and good luck, ananim
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Thank you for your reply ananim...
Thanks for the info...About sozialwohnungen, unfortunately I am not eligible because I am self-employed and its a very complicated procedure.
I am checking on the other links 😀
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Hello Umme,
I found a wheelchair accessible place by - you mark which area you are looking for.
Now and then also wheelchair accessible apartments/flat/houses turn up. There is not a big choice, mostly none, but now and then something turn up. I guess it took me more than half a year till we found something suitable.
Of course Munich will be more difficult.
I wish you ots of luck.
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Yes Tü for me, its almost half a year too now! I keep looking the websites, I am sure something good will happen for me😀
Thanks for your concern and support!
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