Would like to see Paris and Rome and want to know what tour packages u offer
I live in the United States. I am disabled and want to travel to Paris and Rome with my mother. I want to take my wheelchair with me abd want to know what you can offer. Mostly want to known what places u can take me in these 2 cities. Please let me know by email at sylviab08@yahoo.com Thanks
there seems to be a misunderstanding. This is a peer-to-peer forum for exchange of information and advice for people with disabilities and their families etc.
This is not a travel agency. If you are looking for tips from other people who might have visited either of the places, that might be feasible, but definitely no offer for tour packages.
I hope you find that elsewhere and wish you a nice trip.
Best, ananim
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Here you get certainly sometimes also Informations about your question . On Facebook.... there is a special travel Side . your question there could be more succsessfull.
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ananim hat geschrieben:
there seems to be a misunderstanding. This is a peer-to-peer forum for exchange of information and advice for people with disabilities and their families etc.
This is not a travel agency. If you are looking for tips from other people who might have visited either of the places, that might be feasible, but definitely no offer for tour packages.
I hope you find that elsewhere and wish you a nice trip.
Best, ananim
Anamin...auf My Handicp... werden da nicht auch Reiseanfragen behandelt? denke JA 😀
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Breather hat geschrieben:
Anamin...auf My Handicp... werden da nicht auch Reiseanfragen behandelt? denke JA 😀
Ja, genau, das schrieb ich ja auch: " If you are looking for tips from other people who might have visited either of the places, that might be feasible ....." Zu deutsch: Wenn Du auf der Suche bist nach Tips von anderen Leuten, die diese Orte vielleicht schon besucht haben, ist das möglich... "
Sie hatte aber angefragt: "Mostly want to known what places u can take me in these 2 cities" - das heißt, wohin irgendjemand sie in diesen beiden Städten hinbringe kann bzw. sie führen kann. Das las ich als Anfrage an einen Reiseveranstalter nach einem Angebot und habe daher geschrieben: "This is not a travel agency ....no offer for tour packages."
Ich hatte bisher nicht verstanden, dass die Stiftung Reiseangebote für Leute mit Behinderungen macht - oder habe ich da etwas übersehen?
Besten Gruß, ananim
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