Research to help people with reduced mobility
MyHandicap User
in Recherche
Dear Experts,
My name is Victoria Mochalkina and I am a Master student at Hochschule Luzern (Switzerland) and Cologne Business School (Germany). Nearly a year ago with a group of several colleagues we started research into the field of providing assistance to disabled people. Consequently, we planned for the development of the application for people with reduced mobility. In order to take the project way further our group requires gathering expert opinions in this field.
How can your participation in a survey be of a benefit for the research? The knowledge and any experience you possess in the field can help us to tailor our project for the exact needs of disabled people in Germany.
I would kindly ask you to pick 3-4 of the the following challenges, frequently mentioned in the social entrepreneurship literature, and range them according to their difficulty and challenging nature for the social enterprises in Germany. Please, range those starting with the most complex issue. Moreover, you are free to provide your own list of challenges, not limited to these groups.
· Cooperation & networking (cooperation with social entrepreneurs, well-fare organizations, policy makers; finding partners; building personal networks, eco-system; community inclusivity)
· Financing (financing opportunities, acquiring investments, government and private funding)
· Defining value proposition (Value of new product / service for the customer/producer; clear concept, dual nature: social and business; social innovation, social mission)
· Elaborating key activities (Knowledge/Technology transfer; Corporate values and culture; Achieving sustainability, scalability)
· Building up key resources (Managerial skills; Entrepreneurial training; Labour market)
Other options may include but not limited to Customer relationships, Revenue streams and Distribution channels.
I am grateful for your help and wish you all the best in your work!
Kind regards,
Victoria Mochalkina?
My name is Victoria Mochalkina and I am a Master student at Hochschule Luzern (Switzerland) and Cologne Business School (Germany). Nearly a year ago with a group of several colleagues we started research into the field of providing assistance to disabled people. Consequently, we planned for the development of the application for people with reduced mobility. In order to take the project way further our group requires gathering expert opinions in this field.
How can your participation in a survey be of a benefit for the research? The knowledge and any experience you possess in the field can help us to tailor our project for the exact needs of disabled people in Germany.
I would kindly ask you to pick 3-4 of the the following challenges, frequently mentioned in the social entrepreneurship literature, and range them according to their difficulty and challenging nature for the social enterprises in Germany. Please, range those starting with the most complex issue. Moreover, you are free to provide your own list of challenges, not limited to these groups.
· Cooperation & networking (cooperation with social entrepreneurs, well-fare organizations, policy makers; finding partners; building personal networks, eco-system; community inclusivity)
· Financing (financing opportunities, acquiring investments, government and private funding)
· Defining value proposition (Value of new product / service for the customer/producer; clear concept, dual nature: social and business; social innovation, social mission)
· Elaborating key activities (Knowledge/Technology transfer; Corporate values and culture; Achieving sustainability, scalability)
· Building up key resources (Managerial skills; Entrepreneurial training; Labour market)
Other options may include but not limited to Customer relationships, Revenue streams and Distribution channels.
I am grateful for your help and wish you all the best in your work!
Kind regards,
Victoria Mochalkina?
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