Einhandtastatur Frogpad 2 Neuigkeiten?

Hallo zusammen!

Für meinen 9 jährigen Sohn, der eine armbetonte Hemiparese hat, würde ich gerne das Frogpad2 kaufen. Vor ca. 1/2 Jahr hatte ich auch mit dem Hersteller Kontakt und es wurde der April 2014 als Lieferdatum genannt.

Sowas verschiebt sich ja oft. Nur ist es mittlerweile so, dass seitens des Frogpad Herstellers nicht mehr auf Fragen oder Mails reagiert wird. Ich befürchte daher, dass es mit dem Frogpad 2 nix mehr wird.

Nun meine Fragen:

1. Hat jemand von Euch da genauere Infos?
2. Gibt es gute Alternativen und wenn ja, welche?

Herzlichen Dank im Voraus,



  • Hallo Matthias,

    das letzte Update zum FrogPad 2 auf deren Facebook-Seite ist von Mai. Momentan sieht und hört man nix. Leider...
  • Tja sieht schlecht aus. Poste mal den Facebook Eintrag:

    Suggested course of Actions against Andrew Taylor of Satori Tech Solutions
    .16. August 2014 um 13:33Suggested course of Actions against Andrew Taylor of Satori Tech Solutions


    PM (address 2 determined) for Password to Fill out Form for those that Pre-Purchased - link will b posted shortly
    The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
    The FBI IC3 (They handle internet fraud.)
    Texas Attorney General's Office - 1-800-621-0508 OR Fill out online form at:
    Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TexasAttorneyGeneral (For Reference)
    Federal Trade Commission - Because customers for the FrogPad2 were reeled in from more than one state, the should also be contacted. File your complaint at:
    Pick Online Shopping
    The FBI also investigates fraud

    Here's the text from Kell Brigan's complaints to Visa, the IC3, the Texas Attorney General and Texas Family and Protective Services. If anyone has any additional information, please speak up!

    Andrew Taylor was recently selling a one-handed keyboard called the FrogPad2. The sales were exclusively online. Customers pre-ordered the units which were to be delivered in January 2014 (a prototype) and the final keyboard in April 2014. There have been no shipments of any kind to anyone, and since May 2014, Taylor has refused all contact with any customers. His offers included soliciting donation purchases for keyboards that would be delivered to veterans hospitals, etc. No one has received anything. The amount customers have been defrauded for varies from approximately $160 to $500 each. Many people are involved. Personally, I've been defrauded of $277.93. This crime has also increased my personal level of pain and dysfunction because I have put off purchasing a similar item from a reputable supplier while waiting for the FrogPag to be shipped. I've asked about it for months, as well as have many other customers, and we've been strung along with promises over and over for months. Taylor has made no response to any inquiries. Complaints have also been filed with many credit card companies, the IC3 (who handle online fraud), and the Texas Attorney General. Complaints are also being made with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services because Taylor specifically targeted the disabled for exploitation. Taylor has been changing addresses and phone numbers frequently. The only place I've found recent activity by him is his personal Facebook page. His three business websites have been taken down. The FrogPag page is still up, even though there are no products actually being shipped to buyers.

    The following are all the addresses and other contact information I've seen for him:

    According to his Facebook page, he's currently living in Sachse, Texas, and has had past residences and business addresses in Plano, Dallas and Richardson, TX, and in Colorado Springs, CO.(Satori was in some way receiving the money paid to FrogPad2. Their name showed up on PayPal and credit card transactions.)

    Satori Tech Solutions Inc.

    2011 N. Collins Blvd. Suite 711

    Richardson, TX 75080

    http://satoritechsolutions.com/ (down)


    Andrew Taylor's personal Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AndrewMTaylor?fref=ts

    The FrogPad site:http://www.frogpad2.com/

    FrogPage Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/iFrogPad

    FrogPagE-mail: andrewfrogpadind[dot]com

    Various phone numbers for Andrew Taylor showing up on Facebook, on PayPal and on Credit Card transactions:

    (214) 556-1226

    (402) 935-7733

    (469) 263-3798


    "Contact address" listed on Facebook July 27, 2014:

    1155 Kelly Johnson Blvd, Suite 111A

    Colorado Springs, CO, United States 80920.

    Registrant Name: Andrew Taylor

    Registrant Organization: eXibition Software

    Registrant Street: 6822 S. 58th Ave.

    Registrant City: Laveen

    Registrant State/Province: Arizona

    Registrant Postal Code: 85339

    Registrant Country: United States

    Registrant Phone: (602) 235-0593

    Registrant Phone Ext:

    Registrant Fax: (615) 296-4212


    Was macht Ihr? Ich habe mit paypal bezahlt und komme nicht mehr an mein Geld 👿
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